Bremer Wappen

W123 Bremen

Wednesday, 09.10.2024

The radios of the W123

Even then the conversation was not restricted to the conversation with the passengers alone. There were various radio to the selection, which was made without exception by the company Becker. Even at that time a not quite cheap matter, if one wanted to be entertained during the journey of music, to listen to the latest information transmissions or to inform about the current traffic situation on its route.
Thus, the prices were between about 500DM and almost 2400DM for a device including installation, interference suppression and antenna.
A very good overview of all radios including pictures, as well as background information on the history of radios in particular and also general can be found on the website
This list reflects only the different Mercedes-Benz SA codes for the offered Becker radios. Not shown are changes in the design of the radios. Thus, e.g. SA code 514 Europe (LMKU) until 1977 a pinstrip design and five buttons. From 1978 it was then available in a special W123 design and with 6 keys.
The standard work of Christoph Rieger's „Becker radios for Mercedes vehicles from the factory 1975-1995” to the radios in the W123 can be obtained via the W123 Club W123 Club.

252 Radio Becker Mexico Cassette, full stereo electronic (U.S. version)
254 Radio Becker Europa Cassette Kurier LMKU with integrated traffic radio decoder, broadcasting in mono; cassette in stereo [from list 22 and up to list 28]
254 Radio Becker Europa Cassette full stereo Kurier LMKU with integrated traffic decoder [from list 29 and up to list 42] [from list 35 without decoder label]
254 Radio Becker Europa Cassette electronic full stereo Kurier MU [from list 43]
257 Radio Becker Europa-Kurier (LMKU) with integrated traffic decoder [from list 35 without decoder label]
258 Radio Becker Monza Cassette-Kurier (LMU) with integrated traffic radio, decoder broadcasting in mono, cassette in stereo [up to list 21]]
259 Radio Becker Verkehrsfunk Kurier 5 [from list 19 and up to list 30]
510 Radio Becker Monza Cassette-Stereo (LMU,) broadcasting in mono, cassette in stereo [up to list 21]
510 Radio Becker Mexico Cassette electronic Kurier MU [from list 31 and up to list 36]
510 Radio Becker Mexico Cassette electronic full stereo Kurier LMKU [from list 37; only in list 37: Radio Becker Mexico Cassette electronic full stereo Kurier MU]]
511 Radio Becker Mexico Cassette full stereo (MU) [from list 22 Mexico Cassette full stereo Reverse MU] [up to list 30]
511 Radio Becker Grand Prix Cassette electronic full stereo Kurier LMU [from list 37]
512 Radio Becker Europa Cassette LMKU broadcasting in mono, cassette in stereo[from list 22 and up to list 28]
512 Radio Becker Europa Cassette full stereo LMKU [from list 29 and up to list 36]
513 Radio Becker Grand Prix electronic Stereo Kurier LMU [from list 37]
514 Radio Becker Europa (LMKU) [up to list 36]
515 Radio Becker Avus Kurier MU [from list 35]
516 Radio Becker Grand Prix (LMKU) [up to list 34]
518 Radio Becker Avus Cassette Kurier MU (Cassette = stereo) [from list 37]
519 Radio Becker Grand Prix electronic Cassette U.S.A.