Bremer Wappen

W123 Bremen

Tuesday, 18.02.2025

Brochures for the W123

Before the times of advertising posters on every corner, elaborate advertisements on television, Internet and advertising emails was the best way to advertise his product: product brochures.

On real paper and elaborately designed, the fascination for the advertised product already started when reading a brochure. If the customer could not be convinced in the shop, all the advantages of the product were once clearly presented in a brochure.

Of course, there was also a wealth of brochures for the Mercedes-Benz W123. Brochures were made available to potential customers for every body shape, as well as for special vehicles, paintwork and available equipment. For particularly innovative products, there were also special brochures dealing only with these special accessories. So to speak as a final decision aid for the customer.

The price was not included in these brochures, but all important technical data for the respective vehicle were included. Paired with appealing product photos and images of the product in its „natural environment”, the focus was on the vehicle and its special features and innovations.

Have fun while browsing!

The brochures are not for sale!