Bremer Wappen

W123 Bremen

Monday, 13.01.2025

The W123 in scale

Titel Bild The W123 in scale

On these pages we will try to show you an overview of all the models (less than 1: 1), which have been manufactured by the Mercedes-Benz W123 series and are still being manufactured.
All models shown here are in our possession or have been made available to us for a photo.
The list on the left is sorted alphabetically by manufacturer.

The models are not for sale!

Please send all inquiries to the models or hints to not shown models to the following email address:

Jörg Hillmann

These pages do not claim to be complete. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
Please also go to the page The W123 in scale - total list.

We do not have a suitable photo for all models marked with this logo Stopp.

A link list to many model manufacturers can be found under the following link (german):

Link manufacturer list