Bremer Wappen

W123 Bremen

Tuesday, 18.02.2025

The W123 in scale - Solido

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s1 s2 s3
Mercédès 280E N° 47
green (metallic)
Manufactured 03/77
Headlights: yellow
Interior: beige
Hubcaps: silver
sb1 sb2 sb2
Mercédès 280E N° 47
blue (metallic)
Manufactured 03/77
Headlights: yellow
Interior: beige
Hubcaps: silver
Mercédès 280E N° 47
Manufactured 03/77
Headlights: yellow
Innen: beige
Hubcaps: red
Door panel in interior color
Mercédès 280E N° 47
Manufactured 03/77
Headlights: yellow
Interior: beige
Hubcaps: silver
Door panel in body color

The front doors and bonnet can be opened.
There are still the color variants silver and hellelfenbei (taxi version). The model in green is also available with yellow lenses and headlights.

Solido was a French manufacturer of model vehicles with a large division of military vehicles. In 1980, Solido was taken over by Majorette, but without the military division.
In 1992, Majorette went bankrupt. By 2010, there were several owners of the Majorette brand before it was acquired by the Simba Dickie Group in 2010.
After the factory in Thailand including all model design was destroyed in 2011 and Simba-Dickie-Toys had invested more than 16 million euros, new models have been produced and offered since the end of 2012. The product development, production and distribution of the brand Solido are taken over by the company OttOmobile.
Product no.: S4301600
Mercedes Benz 200D from 1976
Outside: sun yellow, Inside: creme
Hubcaps and license plate (S-GE 200)
Limited to 1000 pieces
From the new production series from 2012. Lt. Packaging made in Bangladesh. The model makes a good impression. Minichamp & reg; Quality. The license plate is correct in the old DIN standard. On the fender front passenger side is the antenna base. A right side mirror is not mounted.