Bremer Wappen

W123 Bremen

Wednesday, 09.10.2024

The colors of the W123

In addition to numerous special equipment and various upholstery, you could choose between 65(!) different paints for your W123 over the entire construction period. Of course not all at the same time, but with which manufacturer you can still find such a color selection.
In addition to the normal plain varnishes, there was also a considerable number of metallic varnishes to choose from.
Together with the color of the upholstery, some very bizarre color combinations were found, which would no longer be conceivable today and which the vendor of the favored car dealership would consider as a rejection, should one wish them. Such vehicles would only be conditionally suitable for resale.
But just these exceptional combinations make the W123 such an interesting vehicle.
Unfortunately, we can not offer photos of vehicles with the appropriate paint finish. Anyone who would like to see his favorite color on a W123 can look at the page of for some sample pictures of all colors.

The colors shown have only a symbolic character and serve merely to distinguish the individual colors.

SA-Code Name Type* Period of time
      1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985
040 black S(*1)  
147 arctic white                                          
172 anthracite grey M  
199 black pearl M                                    
312 labrador blue S                                  
355 diamond blue M                                    
404 milan brown M                            
406 cayenne orange S                            
419 icon gold M                            
424 topaz brown S                            
427 brown                                    
444 sand beige S                            
459 maroon                                      
470 colorado beige                              
473 champagne M                
476 golden brown S(*2)                              
479 walnut brown                                    
480 manganese brown M                
482 apricot orange S                                  
501 orient red S                      
504 english red                  
516 medium red S                            
525 brilliant red M                            
540 barolo red desert red                                      
568 signal red S  
581 inca red M                                  
585 mesa red                                    
587 cabernet red M                                    
606 maple yellow                              
618 mimosa yellow S                    
623 light ivory S  
624 yellow S                            
673 sahara yellow S(*3)        
680 sun yellow S                              
681 manila beige                    
684 taiga beige S                
690 light ochre                                          
702 smoke silver M                                    
735 astral silver M  
737 classical white    
740 pastel grey S                
751 ascoit grey                              
803 reed green                              
822 forest green S                            
825 deep green S                            
861 silver green M                            
867 caledonia green                              
870 nickel green S                            
874 citrus green M                            
875 mango green S                              
876 cypress green M  
877 petrol M                
880 cactus green                  
881 thistel green M                
900 surfblau                              
903 blau                              
904 deep blue S  
906 grey blue M                            
922 pastel blue                              
929 nautical blue M                                    
930 silver blue M                      
931 magnetite blue M                            
932 lapis blue M                      
934 china blue                                
940 marine blue S                              
534 flame red corresponds to RAL3000 - only for fire service vehicles
804 + 050 mint green / white corresponds to RAL6029 + 5010 - only for police vehicles
361 + 050 gentian blue / white corresponds to RAL9001 + 5010 - only for service vehicles
*S = Special painting, M = Metallic painting
*1 = standard, from 9/82 = S
*2 = until 9/81 = S, then standard
*3 = until 9/79 = S, then standard