Bremer Wappen

W123 Bremen

Monday, 13.01.2025

W123 Data - Data card search

pfeil  back to the data card site

In the EPC (as of 2003) 1.385.717 data cards of the W123 are recorded. These are 51.38% of all produced W123.
However, one will have little luck if, for example, its re-imported 300D turbo. Of the 75.261 built pieces, only 975 are in the database.
51.38% are already a considerable number, but 48.62% or 1.311.398 of all built W123 are missing.
One reason for this is the fact that vehicles produced before 1980 were not or only rarely entered into the EPC. Likewise, no diplomatic and government vehicles can be found. Sometimes the first-time buyer has also stated that the Data are not to be recorded.

In the following .pdf document you can get an overview of the data cards recorded in the EPC.

.pdf-Logo W123 data cards in the EPC (PDF, ca. 41 KB) Adobe Web Logo

In the search field below please enter the 14 digit number according to WDB.


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